The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) DoD Supercomputing Resource
Center (DSRC) is a high performance computing (HPC) facility committed to
providing the resources necessary for Department of Defense (DoD) scientists
and engineers to complete their research, development, testing and evaluation
In partnership with the High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP), AFRL is also home to the AFRL DSRC, a high performance computing (HPC) facility combining powerful computational, network, and software resources with renowned expertise and experience to support DoD scientists and engineers as they research some of the DoD's most difficult challenges.
Since our inception in 1996 as part of the HPCMP, the AFRL DSRC has supported the warfighter by enabling and accelerating research, development, and testing and evaluation projects by bringing together the necessary hardware, software, and expertise that our users require.
Through ongoing investments in new supercomputing architectures every 24 months, we help our users save critical budget dollars and keep pace with modern technology trends. We provide hundreds of professionally administered and continuously monitored commercial and open-source software packages including pre- and post-analysis tools. And we provide a wealth of expertise in hardware, software, networking, mass storage, and security, as well as Ph.D.s with expertise in a variety of computational technology areas.
Our unclassified HPC systems are accessible through the Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN) to all active customers. Our current systems include:
Warhawk - Warhawk is an
HPE Cray EX system located at the AFRL DSRC. It has 1,024 standard compute
nodes, 4 large-memory nodes, 24 1-GPU visualization nodes, and 40 2-GPU
Machine-Learning nodes (a total of 1,092 compute nodes or 139,776 compute
cores). It has 564 TB of memory and is rated at 6.86 peak PFLOPS.
Raider - Raider is a
Penguin Computing TrueHPC system located at the AFRL DSRC. It has 1,524
standard compute nodes, 8 large-memory nodes, and 24 Visualization nodes,
32 MLA nodes, and 64 High Clock nodes (a total of 199,680 compute cores).
It has 428 TB of memory and is rated at 9 peak PFLOPS.
For assistance with issues related to unclassified systems, please contact the HPC Help Desk.
If you're planning a visit to the AFRL DSRC, we would like to help
make your visit go as smoothly as possible. Before finalizing your
travel plans, please review the following information and coordinate
with your AFRL DSRC POC and your organization's HPC Service/Account
Approval Authority (S/AAA) to ensure that all of your credentials
are in place and all visit requirements are met.
Click to view more information
Pre-Trip Information
Did you notify your POC?
You must coordinate with your AFRL DSRC Point of Contact (POC) before planning your trip. Whenever possible, allow at least 5 working days for your visit to be authorized. Please do not arrive at the AFRL DSRC without notification.
Do you hold a security clearance or NAC (National Agency Check)?
If so, have your security office forward a Visit Request (VR) on your behalf using the SMO Code below:
Visitor Request Form Fill-in-the-Block Tips for DISS
- For new visit requests in DISS, add "RCM" in the "visit name" and add the purpose of the visit in "Visit Notes". Not following these steps may delay approving your visit.
- "To" - Name of Sponsor and Telephone Number
- "Length of Visit" - If you anticipate multiple visits within a year, make your length of visit a year.
- "Purpose" - In comments, clearly indicate building areas (e.g. Classroom) and/or network access (i.e. what type of computer access), along with your specific visit purpose.
Are you a Foreign National (non-U.S. citizen)?
If so, have your AFRL DSRC sponsor contact at least 30 days prior to your visit.
On Arrival
Obtaining Your Visitor Pass for Entry onto WPAFB
You MUST visit Pass & Registration located at Bldg 286, Area A at 4185 Logistics Avenue to get your Visitor Pass for entering WPAFB. Your visitor pass will be needed before arriving at the gate. Directions to Pass & Registration are below.
NOTE: If you already possess a government-issued Common Access Card (CAC) or a military ID, a Visitor Pass will not be necessary.
Pass & Registration Location
The 88th Security Forces Squadron Pass & Registration section issues ID cards and passes for authorized contractors. They are in Bldg 286, Area A at 4185 Logistics Avenue.
From the South:
- Take Interstate 675 North to exit 17
- Turn right just prior to entering Gate 15A
From the North:
- Take Interstate 675 South to exit 17
- Turn right onto North Fairfield
- Turn right onto Colonel Glenn
- Turn right for the entrance ramp for Route 844
- Turn right just prior to entering Gate 15A
Pass & Registration is open from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday; closed weekends and Holidays. Direct any questions to (937) 257-6506.
Directions To The AFRL DSRC
The AFRL DSRC is located in Bldg 676 in Area B of WPAFB. Enter the Base through Gate 19B on National Rd or through Gate 22B on Colonel Glenn Highway / I-675. Gate 1B is currently closed.

From Gate 19B on National Road:
- Turn RIGHT onto Hobson Way at the first light
- Turn LEFT onto 5th St at the first stop sign
- Bldg 676 will be immediately on your RIGHT
From Gate 22B on Colonel Glenn Highway / I-675:
- Merge RIGHT onto Loop Road, which will become Hobson Way
- Proceed THROUGH the first two stop lights
- Turn LEFT onto 5th St at the next stop sign
- Bldg 676 will be immediately on your RIGHT
Building Access
Stop at the front desk in the lobby of Bldg 676, where you will be issued an appropriate badge. This badge must be visible at all times while in restricted areas, and must be turned in at the end of each day.
"Escort Required" Badge - As a visitor you must provide the name of the person you are visiting (your sponsor) and the phone number where your sponsor can be reached. The front desk will contact your sponsor who will escort you throughout your visit to Bldg. 676.
"No Escort Required" Badge - These are given to US Citizens with a previously submitted Visit Request (VR).
Past editions of HPC Insights and other publications are available on the publications page.