HPC Domain Expertise
The HPCMP provides specific domain expertise for computer and computational science, scientific visualization, and acquisition tool software development.

The Data Analysis and Assessment Center (DAAC) for the Department of Defense (DoD) High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) serves the needs of DoD HPCMP scientists to analyze an ever increasing volume and complexity of data. Our mission is to put visualization and analysis tools and services into the hands of every user.

CREATE tools enhance the productivity of the DoD acquisition engineering workforce by providing high fidelity design and analysis tools with capabilities greater than today's tools, reducing the acquisition development and test process cycle. CREATE projects provide enhanced engineering design tools for the DoD HPC community.
The Productivity Enhancement and Training (PET) initiative helps our scientists and engineers take full advantage of DoD high performance computing resources in order to execute their mission. It enhances the total capability and productivity of the program's user community through training, collaboration, tool development, and support for software development, technology tracking, and outreach to users.