Information for Facility Security Officers
If you have been asked to send a visit request on a user's behalf, please review the information below:
- If the user holds at least a National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI), access can be granted to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) systems.
For access to CUI systems:
- The following information must be included in the visit request:
- Dates of visit request (a visit request may be granted for up to a full year).
- Purpose: HPCMP Computer Access
- Legal name of user (including middle name)
- Date of clearance or NACI
- Status of clearance or NACI
- Office of issue and date of issue of clearance or NACI
- Green card number and expiration date (if applicable)
- VISA number and expiration date (if applicable)
- The user will be assigned the Kerberos realm HPCMP.HPC.MIL
- The visit request may be faxed or sent through the Joint Personnel
Adjudication System (DISS) to the US Army Engineer Research and Development
Center (ERDC):
Security Specialist (Attn: HPC FSO)
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199
601-634-4291 (phone)
601-634-7539 (fax)