Jet engine aircraft surface meshing in Capstone.

CREATE-FT (Fundamental Technologies)

The Fundamental Technologies project was formed to improve the ease, speed, flexibility, and quality of geometry, mesh, and attribution modeling for physics-based computational simulations. For DoD weapons systems, it enables the development of numerical representations of geometry, mesh generation, and assignment of attributes needed by high-performance scalable solvers.

Capstone is a software platform to create, modify, and query geometry mesh and attribution information needed to define a digital model for physics-based simulation of complex engineering systems. Capstone supports applications including the computation of complex flow fields around air-vehicles (fixed and rotary wing), ships, and submarines; analysis and design of radio-frequency (RF) antennae systems; shock and damage modeling for ships and submarines; structural-acoustics modeling, and terrain modeling.

Geometry Capabilities - Capstone can handle arbitrarily complex three-dimensional geometries using non-uniform-B-Spline (NURBS) curves and surfaces. It supports full non-manifold geometry representations. The Capstone platform is agnostic to the details of the geometry-system (CAD) through the use of suitable abstractions for the needed geometric operations.

Meshing Capabilities - Capstone uses fully automated algorithms to generate unstructured anisotropic curvilinear meshes needed for a range of physics and discretization techniques. It generates meshes needed for complex flow fields with multiple interacting boundary-layers. Capstone-generated meshes are tightly associated with the underlying geometry model, enabling geometry-based a-posteriori mesh adaptation.

Attribution Capabilities - Capstone supports attaching information to the model geometry in an associative manner where attributes are automatically updated as geometry is edited. Coupled with tight association of the meshes and geometry, this allows robust and automated transfer of analysis attribution information to the meshes needed by the solvers.

The Capstone platform consists of a GUI-based application for traditional pre-processing workflows and analyses, as well as a powerful software development kit (SDK) with well-abstracted, compact application programming interfaces (API). The SDK provides a foundational capability, enabling geometry-based engineering design and analysis.

Aircraft wing and engine multi-view surface meshing in Capstone.

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