Adding Machine Specifications to MOTD

At the User Advocacy Group (UAG) meeting in New Orleans, 30-31 March 2010, UAG recommended that machine specifications be added to the Message of the Day (MOTD) on each of the allocated machines at the six DSRCs. The Baseline Configuration team was tasked by UAG to help with the implementation.

Working with the points of contact at each of the six DSRCs, the BC team put together a consolidated hardware table with the following format:

Machine Name    # Compute Nodes    # Cores/Node    Memory Size (GB)/Node

The consolidated hardware table was officially incorporated in the MOTDs at the six DSRCs in the month of May 2010.

Recent Developments - At the UAG Meeting in Portland, Oregon, 2-3 October 2010, an ARL DSRC representative reported that ARL had replaced the attribute "Memory Size" in the Consolidated Hardware Table by "Available Memory Size." UAG approved the change and recommended that all other DSRCs follow ARL's model of the Consolidated Hardware Table. At the BC Face-to-Face Meeting in Charlotte, NC, November 30 - December 2, 2010, the BC team approved the change and asked DSRC POCs to change the "Memory Size" attribute to "Available Memory Size."