Compliance Matrix

Compliance Matrix
Participating Allocated Resource Centers
Project # Policy Topics AFRL ARL ERDC Navy
FY05-01 Multiple-Version Software and Modules Usage G G G G
FY05-02 Work Space Management G G G R
FY05-04 Environment Variables R R R R
FY05-05 Queue Names G G G R
FY05-06 Login Shells G G G G
FY06-02 Kerberos/SSH Access R R G R
FY06-04 Editors and Scripting Tools R R R R
FY06-05 Debuggers G R G R
FY06-09 Archival Retrieval G G G R
FY06-10 System Status User Notices G G G G
FY06-11 Announcing and Logging Changes G G G G
FY06-12 Common Change Control Rollback G G G G
FY06-14 Cross-Center File Transfers R R R R
FY06-15 Sample Code Repository R R R R
FY06-16 MPI Test Suite G G G G
FY07-03 Common Set of Open Source Compilers G R G R
FY08-01 DAAC Supported Visualization Tools G R R R
FY09-01 Advance Reservation G G G G
FY10-01 New/Returning User Welcome Letter G G G G
FY10-03 Consistency in Subproject Identifier G G G G
FY10-04 Sustained System Performance (SSP) Test Job Execution G G G G
FY10-05 Debug Queue Limits G R R R
FY10-06 Common DSRC Commands and Tools R G R R
FY10-07 Common Location to Maintain Codes and Shared Data R R R R
FY11-01 Interactive Job Submittal Scripts G G G G
FY11-02 HPC Public Node Naming Convention G G G G
FY11-03 Common User Group Naming G G G G
FY11-04 Common Modules Environment R R G R
FY11-05 Common Compiling Environments G G G G
FY12-01 Minimum Home Directory Size and Backup Schedule G G G G
FY12-02 Decommission of HPC Allocated Systems G G G G
FY13-01 Common Open Source Software Base YYR R
FY13-02 Data Removal at Account Closure G G G G
FY14-01 Common Node Resource Specification G G G R
FY14-02 Transfer Queue G R G R
FY18-01 Compiler Versions and Bug Fixes R R R R
FY19-01 Locale Setting G G G R
FY20-01 Common Compute Node Local WorkDir Addressing R R R R
FY20-02 Common Software Container Tools G R R R
FY24-01 Secure Remote Desktop G R G R
Compliance Matrix
Participating Allocated Resource Centers
Project # Policy Topics AFRL ARL ERDC Navy
FY05-06 Login Shells G G G G
FY06-10 System Status User Notices G G G G
FY11-03 Common User Group Naming G G G G
Compliance Matrix
Participating Allocated Resource Centers
Project # Policy Topics AFRL ARL ERDC Navy
FY06-02 Kerberos/SSH Access R R G R
Compliance Matrix
Participating Allocated Resource Centers
Project # Policy Topics AFRL ARL ERDC Navy
FY06-11 Announcing and Logging Changes G G G G
FY06-12 Common Change Control Rollback G G G G
FY10-04 Sustained System Performance (SSP) Test Job Execution G G G G
FY19-01 Locale Setting G G G R
FY20-01 Common Compute Node Local WorkDir Addressing R R R R
Compliant G
Partially Compliant Y
Non-Compliant R