Checking Status of Shared-Application Licenses

The check_license command provides license availability information for the HPCMP shared applications shown in the first and third columns of the table below. The second and fourth columns show the argument supplied to check_license.

SLB Applications Non-SLB Applications
ABAQUS abaqus CFD++
US3D us3d

The check_license command shall be available on all user-accessible systems at each of the participating centers.

To check the status of any SLB or non-SLB license, execute check_license followed by the argument for the desired application name as shown in the table above. For SLB supported applications, license availability information is followed by a listing of all reservations. For any non-SLB application, check_license will display only the number of unused licenses.

For example, the command:

$ check_license starcm

produces output similar to the following:

                     Available starcm Licenses:
                     Reservable starcm Licensed features (avail licenses):

ccmppowerplus: 2


                         Reservations for starcm

Display window is from Wed Oct 10 16:52:11 2024 (1349902331)
                    to Thu Oct 10 16:52:11 2025 (1381438331)

id=RAR478227 user= host= ts=1349531972 te=13.. tok:ccmppowerplus=1
    Sun Oct 6  09:59:32 2024 through Sat Oct 12 08:59:32

The check_license command will be automatically updated each time a new SLB or non-SLB application is added to the original list of applications.

The SLB provides a number of interactive scripts that users may execute to get information about current or future availability of licenses. Please see the SLB User Guide, posted on the HPC Centers website, for more information.

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