Batch Job Reporting Command

The qview command can be used to report information about jobs that have been submitted to the batch queuing system, producing output that is more user-friendly than most native batch queuing system commands. Many options are available for filtering and summarizing job information. View the qview man page or execute qview –H at a system prompt for details about the command-line options.

Sample Default Report Format

$ qview
                                                                Requested    Elapsed
                                                          Num    Walltime   Walltime
JobID          Username Queue           Job Name         Cores hhhh:mm:ss hhhh:mm:ss ST ExHost
123456         userA    frontier        myjob123         56320  168:00:00   72:41:50  R batch6
123459         userB    standard        GPUdata1           308  168:00:00   47:17:29  R batch1
123462         userC    standard        project_xyz       1716   12:00:00 ----------  Q ------------
123463         userD    standard        calcimage         1716   12:00:00 ----------  Q ------------
123470         userE    high            rrr_KNL_runX      2048   24:00:00   16:55:20  R batch11
123471         userA    debug           transformAAA      1760    0:10:00 ----------  Q ------------
123472         userF    background      anytime789         176    0:30:00    0:02:32  R batch32
123475         userF    background      anytime790         176    1:00:00       0:26  R batch35
123477         userG    standard        BigMemTest          88   24:00:00   21:19:47  R batch2

Load Summary:
                                         Running            Queued
                                      Cores   Jobs       Cores   Jobs
                         General:     59116      6        5192      3
                             ARS:         0      0           0      0
                             DSP:         0      0           0      0

                    Compute Pool:    161488
                    ARS Reserved:         0
                    DSP Reserved:         0
                    Available   :    102372

Sample Node-type Summary Report Format

$ qview -C
                                                                Requested    Elapsed
                                                          Num    Walltime   Walltime
JobID          Username Queue           Job Name         Cores hhhh:mm:ss hhhh:mm:ss ST ExHost
123456         userA    frontier        myjob123         56320  168:00:00   72:41:50  R batch6
123459         userB    standard        GPUdata1           308  168:00:00   47:17:29  R batch1
123462         userC    standard        project_xyz       1716   12:00:00 ----------  Q ------------
123463         userD    standard        calcimage         1716   12:00:00 ----------  Q ------------
123470         userE    high            rrr_KNL_runX      2048   24:00:00   16:55:20  R batch11
123471         userA    debug           transformAAA      1760    0:10:00 ----------  Q ------------
123472         userF    background      anytime789         176    0:30:00    0:02:32  R batch32
123475         userF    background      anytime790         176    1:00:00       0:26  R batch35
123477         userG    standard        BigMemTest          88   24:00:00   21:19:47  R batch2

Load Summary:
                                         Running            Queued
                                      Cores   Jobs       Cores   Jobs
                         General:     59116      6        5192      3
                             ARS:         0      0           0      0
                             DSP:         0      0           0      0

                        Total   Standard    GPU+1   Bigmem      KNL
                     ========   ======== ======== ======== ========
       Compute Pool:   161488 =   125792      704      176    34816
                     --------   -------- -------- -------- --------
       General     :    59116 =    56672      308       88     2048
       ARS Reserved:        0 =        0        0        0        0
       DSP Reserved:        0 =        0        0        0        0
                     ========   ======== ======== ======== ========
       Available   :   102372 =    69120      396       88    32768

Field Descriptions

(Note: Descriptions are provided for only the most common report fields.)

  • JobID - ID number given to the job by the batch queuing system
  • Username - Username of the person who submitted the job
  • Queue - Execution queue in which the job has been placed
  • Job Name - Name given to the job by either the user or the batch queuing system
  • Num Cores - Number of computational cores of all types requested by the job
  • Requested Walltime - Requested maximum wall time for job execution (HHHH:MM:SS)
  • Elapsed Time - Amount of wall time consumed so far (HHHH:MM:SS)
  • ST - Job status: Q(ueued), H(eld), W(aiting), R(unning), etc.
  • ExHost - Name of the batch (MOM) node for a running job
  • Running Cores - Number of computational cores requested by all running jobs
  • Running Jobs - Number of running jobs
  • Queued Cores - Number of computational cores being requested by all pending jobs
  • Queued Jobs - Number of pending jobs
  • General – Number of cores requested by all running/pending jobs other than ARS and DSP
  • ARS – Number of cores requested by all running/pending jobs in ARS-created queues
  • DSP – Number of cores requested by all running/pending jobs in DSP queues
  • Compute Pool – Total number of computational cores being provided by the system
  • ARS Reserved – Total number of cores currently reserved by ARS-created reservations
  • DSP Reserved – Total number of cores currently reserved for all DSP queues
  • Available – Total number of unused computational cores

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