Easy Access to Queue Status

The show_queues command is available on all user-accessible systems at the HPCMP centers. It displays current queuing system information in the following format:

                |--------------- Limits ---------------| |----------- Counts ----------|
                   Maximum  Queue   User Job-Min Job-Max    Jobs    Jobs   Cores   Cores     Queue
Queue Name        Walltime    Max    Max   Cores   Cores Running Pending Running Pending Type Ena Run
=============== ========== ====== ====== ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ============
queue #1        hhhh:mm:ss    ###     ###    ###     ###     ###     ###     ###     ###  ***  *   * 
queue #2        hhhh:mm:ss    ###     ###    ###     ###     ###     ###     ###     ###  ***  *   *

Node Type             Nodes Available * Cores per Node = Cores Available - Cores Running = Cores Free
===================   ===============   ==============   ===============   =============   ==========
node type #1                #####              ##             ######           ######        ######
node type #2                #####              ##             ######           ######        ######


The fields associated with each column in the QUEUE INFORMATION table are defined as:

  • Queue Name – The name of the queue
  • Maximum Walltime – The maximum time that can be requested by a single job
  • Queue Max – The maximum number of jobs that the queue can run simultaneously
  • User Max – The maximum number of jobs that a single user can run simultaneously
  • Job-Min Cores – The minimum number of cores that a job can request
  • Job-Max Cores – The maximum number of cores that a job can request
  • Jobs Running – The number of jobs currently running
  • Jobs Pending – The number of jobs waiting to run
  • Cores Running – The number of cores in use by all running jobs
  • Cores Pending – The number of cores requested by all jobs waiting to run
  • Queue Type – The queue type (Execution, Routing, ARS, DSP, etc.)
  • Queue Ena – A field signifying (Y/N) whether or not the queue is accepting new job submissions
  • Queue Run – A field signifying (Y/N) whether or not the queue is allowed to run new jobs

The fields associated with each column in the NODE INFORMATION table are defined as:

  • Node Type – A description of the node type (Standard, GPU, Bigmem, Phi, or KNL)
  • Nodes Available – The number of nodes available for use by the batch scheduling system
  • Cores per Node – The number of standard compute cores configured on this node type
  • Cores Available – The number of standard compute cores for this node type that are available for use by the batch scheduling system
  • Cores Running – The number of standard compute cores for this node type that are currently in use by running jobs
  • Cores Free – The number of standard compute cores for this node type that are currently unused and that are available to run jobs

Queue Status Report is of limited use in:

  • Telling a user when their job will run.
  • Choosing a system on which to run jobs.
  • Determining the best queue for a particular job.

Also to note:

  • Some centers may have additional per-queue, per-user, per-group, per-subproject, or other limits that may not be included in this command's output. Users should refer to each center's User Guide and batch scheduling system documentation to find these details.

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