Consistency in Subproject Identifier

BC Project: FY10-03
Date of Policy: 29 Jul 2010
Last Updated: 09 Dec 2021 (see Revision Log)

The High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) tracks system allocation and utilization via an identifier known as the Subproject ID. The purpose of this policy is to ensure consistency of content and format for Subproject IDs across all DoD Supercomputing Resource Centers (DSRCs).

A Subproject ID is composed of 13 characters where each character is either an uppercase letter or a digit in the range 0-9. The 13 characters are obtained by concatenating the Service/Agency Organization ID, Computational Project Number (CPN), Computational Technology Area (CTA), and Allocation Request Number (ARN), in that order. Character positions and further details are included in the table at the end of the policy.

Users will specify the appropriate Subproject ID either in the batch script file or in the command line. The specification of the Subproject ID will allow the Portal to the Information Environment (pIE) to track subproject utilization.

Project Identifier Groupings
Character Positioning Components of Subproject Identifier
1-5 Service/Agency Organization ID
6-9 HPCMP Computational Project Number (CPN)
10 Computational Technology Area (CTA)

  • 0. Other
  • 1. CSM - Computational Structural Mechanics
  • 2. CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • 3. CCM - Computational Chemistry & Materials Science
  • 4. CEA - Computational Electromagnetics and Acoustics
  • 5. CWO - Climate/Weather/Ocean Modeling and Simulation
  • 6. SIP - Signal/Image Processing
  • 7. FMS - Forces Modeling and Simulation/C4I
  • 8. EQM - Evironmental Quality Modeling and Simulation
  • 9. ENS - Electronics, Networking and Systems/C4I
  • A. IMT - Integrated Modeling and Test Environments
  • B. SAS - Space and Astrophysical Science
  • C. DDA - Data and Decision Analytics
11-13 Allocation Request Number (ARN)

Note: The 11th position has some reserved characters that are used to identify special status such as Challenge, Urgent, High Priority, Frontier, and Capability Applications Projects (CAP).

C = Challenge
U = Urgent
H = High Priority
Y = Special Projects (YF is for Frontier)

As an example, for project ID ARLAP02643C3X the breakup is as follows:

ARLAP = 5-character Org ID
0264 = 4-digit CPN
3 = 1-character CTA
C3X = 3-character ARN

Revision Log
Date Revision
09 Dec 2021BC Team Audit
08 Dec 2020Replaced PBS scheduler by a generic HPC job scheduler
16 Aug 2018BC Team Audit - Changed policy title and added additional CTA
26 May 2016BC Team Audit and introduced special projects
13 Feb 2015Cap replaced by Capability Application Project (CAP)
25 Apr 2012BC Team Audit